Today’s prompt is romance.
Something I had never really experienced with
any other boyfriend is romance. I feel like an idiot for every dating the men I
have in my past. I see back and I see a lot of disrespect and uncaring. It is a
truly sad thing that there are so many men who don’t give their woman some
romance every now and then.
I have finally gotten together with the man of
my dreams. He is one of the sweetest people I know. He is very thoughtful, not
only towards me but to the kids and everyone else. He has a beautiful heart and
I admire him.
He has his romantic side. He is almost always
showing me in some way small or large that he loves me. Sometimes when I am
cooking in the kitchen, he will sneak up behind me and kiss my cheek. He’ll
whisper in my ear that I am beautiful and he loves me. We have written each
other notes expressing our feelings to each other, and I have saved every one.

I love him with every inch of my being. I
couldn’t image my life without him in it.