Wednesday, October 21, 2015

10 Ways to Never Be Lonely

Struggling with Loneliness? Feeling sadly alone and lonely?

Here are 10 ways I deal with loneliness:

#1 Learn to love yourself. How can you possibly get lonely when you enjoy your own company so much? By increasing your self-esteem you will lessen that lonely feeling and maybe even squash it completely.

#2 Do things for others. When you’re spending your time things about others and their needs you will not only feel fulfilled, but you will lose that lonely feeling altogether.

#3 Call your parents. No one supports and loves you more than your mom and dad. No matter what age you are, your parents would love to help you get rid of that lonely feeling.

#4 Realize that Loneliness is a feeling. Just because you feel lonely doesn’t mean you are alone. Sometimes we can feel down, but if we take the time to look around we will see the truth that we aren’t alone after all. Reach out!

#5 Just breath. By slowing down our breathing patterns we can slow our heart rate and lower our blood pressure which will naturally relax the mind and body. Taking a moment to relax will promote happier feelings and will lessen negative feelings, like loneliness.

#6 Get a pet. Having that companionship from a pet is very special. Animals have a way of brightening your day, helping you smile, and preventing that awful lonely feeling we sometimes get.  

#7 Get a hobby. Keeping busy is a great way to ward of lonely feelings. Doing something with your hands, like knitting or crocheting, will also keep your mind busy.

#8 Take a nap. Sometimes we just need to unplug and hit reset on our minds by getting a few winks of sleep. After you wake up, you will feel refreshed and may have rid yourself of that lonely feeling.

#9 Read a book. It’s so wonderful to escape to a different world from your favorite author. The characters in the story seem so real inside our heads.

#10 Get on Social Media. There is always someone online, day or night. Don’t be afraid to meet someone new and maybe from another part of the world. New friends are great!

I hope this helps anyone struggling with loneliness. I know I struggle at times with this feeling and these are just a few of the ways I deal with being lonely. What are some ways you overcome such a sad feeling?


  1. Being a new mum, I can easily relate to your post. I really feel lonely at times and will remember your tips next time. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Thanks and I hope you found them helpful. :)

  2. Thanks for the tips! I love the one about reading a book :)

    1. Thank you! I love to read. My favorite book is Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

  3. These are great tips, Emily. I think everyone can relate to feeling lonely from time to time. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I agree. Some more than others. Learning how to ward off that feeling took me a long time to figure out. Now I keep busy and I have learned to love my own company. I enjoy being alone with myself at times. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Books, pets and hobbies are a great way not to feel lonely, Emily. Nice list!

  5. I definitely love #2. Great post. :)

    1. Yes helping others is a great one! Thanks for reading.

  6. All really excellent and helpful tips! I especially like 2, 4, 9 and 10! I think we all go through times like this and as you point out, it is so important to remember it is just a feeling and it will pass. Thanks for a great list of suggestions.

  7. These are really great tips, Emily! I'm so glad you shared this list. It's a great reminder that, like you said, loneliness is a feeling, but there are ways to feel connected! :) So glad you linked up with us! xo

  8. These are great tips! I especially love "Get a hobby". :)
    I always find that if I'm not actively pursuing my hobbies, my wandering (and melancholy) mind can get the best of me.

    Good stuff here! Thanks for joining us! #WODW

  9. Nice tips Emily. I believe that loneliness is a feeling. Getting a pet or pursuing a hobby or reading a book will definitely help when we are down.

  10. Great tips! I especially like #10 Get on Social Media. I think most of my friends that I end up talking to are on Facebook. That can be a good thing or bad thing but it does solve the loneliness! :)
